Exploring Colombia.
Hey guys. Sorry I havn't been too active here. Have been busy with family and field trips I mean after all I am on vacation but I tend to forget sometimes... And i stress myself out thinking I constantly need to be online working or writing. It is such a me thing to think or do. To just not be able to relax 100% and disconnect myself from the world. Well, I have been working a lot on my photography which is good and relaxing. I finally made my water mark and I also started working on my busissnes card. Ugh! Took me forever to get started. I made a flickr account aswell to share my photography and me and my boyfriend now have a shared blog on tumblr.
When i feel like everything is presentable I will post the links here. And what else... Well I could write about everything i have been doing. But it would take me legit forever. SO i will just upload a couple of shots. And leave it at that!

The majority of the photos are taken in Zipaquira and Cajitá two beautiful towns 2h outside of the capital. The towns still look like the did hundreds of years ago when the Spanish conqerors first settled down.